
Monthly Meeting Minutes

Three River's Model T Club
September 2010
President, Marlene Coder opened tonight's meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Marlene exclaimed how good it sounded to hear our Nation's Pledge.  We had a good turnout of members for tonight's meeting.
Treasurer, Mike Porter, gave his report.  We have money in the bank.  He also has copies of other club's newsletters.
Secretary, Wanda Stokes, read last month minutes.  There were no additions or corrections.  Wanda also filled out our application for the states renewal notice for Unified Business identification information.  Mike Porter will send the $10 filing fee and mail this out.
Old Business
Dale and Sharon Peterson were absent to give any new updates on the upcoming trip to the San Juan Islands.  This trip should be breathtakingly beautiful this time of year.  Marlene reminded everyone to bring their passports and warm clothing.
Marlene and Larry have been unable to contact the Boy Scouts of America regarding a Model T instructional meeting.  This will be tabled until next Spring.
New Business
Marlene had a telephone conversation with Wayne Williams regarding our annual Christmas Party.  After much conversation, it was decided that time restrictions & health reasons, we should move the Christmas party to another location.  Dan Danko and Marlene will work on a spot for the party for 12/12/2010.  This brought up how most members felt that we should do the gift exchange.  After much conversation, it was decided to have the gift exchange announcing before the party that if you do not bring a gift, you cannot participate!  The gift should not exceed $10 and be gender neutral.  It was also suggested that the club provide a couple of extra gifts in case someone forgets to bring their gift.
Phyllis Langdon came up with a wonderful idea of having members describe their first Model T experience.  It was felt that this will be a great thing to do at next year's meetings.
Marlene also asked members to be thinking about elections for 2011.  We will have the ballot ready in October and elections held in November.  We also need to recruit two new Board of Directors for 2011.  Wanda read our Bylaws.  According to the bylaws of the club, the President is automatically a board member as is the past President which is Wanda.  We have Dale Peterson going off the board and that leaves Russ Armstrong.  Our bylaws state that we should have five board of directors members.  Fred Fraser volunteered to be a board director.  Phyllis Langdon also volunteered to be a board member.  President Marlene said that she would be President if no one else comes forward.  Treasurer Mike Porter and Secretary Wanda Stokes said they are willing to stay in their positions if no one else steps up.  With all of this in mind, as it stands now, next year's Board of Directors will be:
Marlene Coder (President), Wanda Stokes (past President), Phyllis Langdon (1year), Russ Armstrong (2 years),and Fred Fraser (3 years)
Jim Ellenbaas mentioned that a professional photographer was on tour for the Whitefish National Model Tour last month in Montana.  He posted on the MTFCA website forum several pictures of T's participating and out of all the Model T's that attended, several pictures of our own members were pictured.  Check it out, there are pictures of Ellenbaas's, Stokes's, and Bill Sheller.
Fred Fraser said that he would check with the Crest Museum about their annual history celebration at a cemetery in Richland depicting people who have passed away telling their life story.  This is usually held the weekend before Halloween and they asked for Model T's to participate.  Several members expressed interest in this.  The date is October 22nd and 23rd (Friday & Saturday).  Be on the look out for more information forthcoming.
With nothing more to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned.
Refreshments for October are the Porters.

Submitted by Wanda Stokes


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