Three Rivers Model T Ford Club

The Three Rivers Model T Ford Club is a chapter of the Model T Ford Club of America.  Membership is recommended and encouraged.  Make membership requests to MTFCA P.O. Box 126 Centerville, Indiana 47330 Web address:

 Feature Cars: The Elenbaas Collection on Display at the Club Picnic July 21


The Three rivers Model T Ford Club is dedicated to the restoration and enjoyment of the Model T Ford.  Ownership is recommended but not a requirement of membership.  Annual Dues are $20.00.  Monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of the month, meeting place Riata Springs Baptist Church, 2830 Leopold Ln, Richland, WA, or as announced in the newsletter and  on the website.  Mailing address is: Three Rivers Model T Ford Club, P.O. Box 7083, Kennewick, Washington 99336. 

Quick Calender


Sept. 21          Picnic at Dave and Lou Ottem’s  1135 S Lemaster, Othello 1PM


October  20    Meeting at Reata Springs Church.  7 PM.  Nominations for 2017 officers.  


November 17 Meeting at the Reata Springs Church, election of 2017 officers.  Board Meeting at 6:30 PM


December 11  Annual Christmas Party, location TBA.

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