
Three River's Model T Club
November Minutes
November 17,2011
Tonight's meeting was opened by President Marlene Coder.  There were 12 members present.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Secretary, Wanda Stokes, read the minutes with no additions or corrections.  They were accepted as read.
Treasurer, Mike Porter gave his report.  We have money in the bank.  Dues for 2012 are due!  If you have not paid next year's dues, please do so soon.  The membership dues are $20.00.
Old Business
Marlene asked Wanda to give a report about the Tombstone Tales held at a cemetery in Richland.  Wanda stressed this is really worthwhile for everyone to attend for next year.  You learn much history about the area and the lives of the people who helped make the Tri Cities area what it is today.  It is very well done and excellent.
Marlene asked if would wait until the January meeting to address the issue of monthy, every other month, whatever, for our meetings in the future.  Everyone thought this was a good idea and voted to continue this discussion at a later date.
Wanda reminded everyone of the Christmas party December 15th at 5:00 at the Stokes' home in Sunnyside.  She also reminded everyone attending to bring either a salad or dessert and a gift under $15 if they wish to participate in the gift exchange.  If the weather is bad, the Stokes' can accommodate you so you don't have to drive in bad weather.
There were no reports of Pikes Peak tour for next year.  Several members have said that they think this would be a wonderful tour for next summer.
New Business
The January meeting for installation of officers will be at Applebee's in Kennewick January 22nd.  The time will be 1:00 p.m. in order for folks to drive home in the daylight if bad weather is expected.  Members present said that they like Applebees and thought this is a good place to have our installation dinner. 
Dean Stokes and Jim Elenbaas were the election committee and the following are the results of tonight's voting"
Officers for 2012
President                Dean Stokes
Vice President        Bill Sheller
Secretary                Wanda Stokes
Treasurer                Mike Porter
Board Members for 2012
1 year term:        Russ Armstrong
2 year term:        Fred Fraser
3 year term:        Jim Elenbaas
Outgoing President Marlene Coder will be on the board also.
Congratulations to everyone and Thank You for helping with Three River's Model T Club.  Your help and enthusiasm is appreciated!
With nothing more to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned with delicious snacks provided by Sharon Peterson and Mary Fraser.  Hope to see everyone at the Christmas Party and at the installation dinner in January.
Respectively Submitted,
Wanda Stokes, Secretary


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