
Meeting Minutes

 August 18



Tonight's meeting was opened by President, Marlene Coder with a good number of members present.  Wanda read the minutes and all approved.  Mike Porter gave his treasurer's report - we have money in the bank.  Dale Peterson presented his bill from 2010 for newsletter expenses and was reimbursed. 


Old Business

Marlene reported that we will be giving rides to the seniors at Sun Terrace Assisted Living in Sunnyside, this Saturday, August 20th.  She spoke with Linda Dium regarding this fun event.  As always, please come and give the seniors a ride in your Model T.  Lunch will be provided by Sun Terrace.  The time is 9:00 a.m. from the Prosser Interchange.  From there, we will travel to Sun Terrace.

Bill Sheller gave an update on his upcoming tour to Lyle, Washington scheduled for September 12-14th.  He had one couple cancel, so there is a room available at the hotel.  We will be leaving from Prosser on the 12th.  If you are planning on attending, be at the Prosser Interchange at 9:00 a.m. for a 9:15 a.m. departure.  This should be a wonderful tour for everyone.

 Mary Fraser made a scrap book that she passed around from the Pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada tour.  Fred Fraser mentioned the reason why Canadian Mounties wear red.  The reason why they wear red is to let the "bad guys" know that the Mounties are in town and to “clean up their act".  Thank you both!

 Several members reported that they attended Wayne Williams’ car show and were well received.  Wayne and Lorraine are doing well, we are happy to hear that.

 Dale and Sharon reported their tour to Ritter Hot Spring was well attended despite 50% of the cars broke down.  Everyone agreed that this tour was exceptional and appreciates Dale and Sharon for going to great lengths to make everyone comfortable and well fed.  Thank you!






New Business

 Kennewick High School asked if we would be interested in bringing Model T's for this year's Homecoming parade.  After some discussion it was decided that Marlene will contact Ray Porter and find out more about this.  Some members felt that this might be good exposure for young people to learn more about Model T's.

 Marlene will be gone for the next meeting and asked if Dean Stokes will fill in for her.  Dean agreed to do just that.

 Bill Sheller told the members that he is also a member of the Rocky Mountain Model T Club and what they did to rejuvenate their club.  They stopped having monthly formal meetings and instead get together for breakfast, lunch or dinner as a social meeting.  This has worked wonderfully and we are pondering if this would work for our club as well.  Wanda mentioned that our club is dwindling with members participating except when we meet for dinner. We could have a formal meeting once every three months or so.  We all felt that communication is the key and several suggestions were mentioned.  We could have a telephone committee calling with pertinent information ~ the Three River's Model T website is a wealth of information.  It was also noted that several car clubs are doing just what Rocky Mountain Model T club is doing and thriving as a result.  We all agreed to think this over and bring it up in future meetings. 

 With nothing more to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned.

 Respectively Submitted,

Wanda Stokes, Secretary

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