
Monthly Minutes
Three River's Model T Club
March 17, 2011

The meeting was opened by Dean Stokes, filling in for Marlene Coder, our President, who was absent from tonight's meeting. Since we did not have a flag, the Pledge of Allegiance was not said.

Dean asked for the Secretary's report. Wanda read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were accepted as read.

Treasurer, Mike Porter, gave his report. We collected $60 in dues last month and have money in the bank. Mike also read two letters from other Model T clubs. One club was willing to make banners as a fund raiser in West Springfield, Massachusetts and the other offered a speedster run in Salinas, California by the Horseless Carriage Club April 30 and May 1, 2011.

Gary Ellingson donated to the club 1918, 1919, and 1924 service bulletins for Model T's and other various other cars to the club. Thank you Gary.

Old Business

Ivan Dike was asked by Dean to give a report on the retirement party for Bill Sheller. Ivan said that Bill is enjoying his retirement. Congratulations Bill.

The Quilt Show mentioned last month, is this weekend. There is a $5 admission fee and should be informative.

No report from Larry Coder regarding the Boy Scouts of America outing that will be planned later in the year.

Dean gave his report for the upcoming tour - March 16th to Toppenish. Dean said that members wanting to attend should meet at the Prosser Interchange at 9:00 a.m. and we will leave at 9:30. If you trailer your Model T to the Prosser interchange, you can park your truck and trailer at Thurston Wolf's Winery. This was approved ahead of time by Dean.

New Business

Fred Fraser noted that Bill Betz of Walla Walla will be downsizing and will be having a yard sale April 1, 2, and 3rd at his home. Bill will be selling some of his Model A and T parts and various other items.

Fred and Mary also returned from New Zealand. They had a wonderful time despite the earthquake that devastated Christ Church. Fred issued a challenge to our members. Three years from now, the New Zealand Model T Club will be celebrating their 21st anniversary and will be hosting another tour to New Zealand and Fred would like to see several of our members attend. The New Zealand people are very warm, friendly folks with wonderful sense of humor and would love to have us. Thank you Fred and Mary. The pictures were wonderful and interesting.
With so many world disasters, it was noted that Russ and Jane Armstrong were evacuated from Lincoln City from the Japanese Tsunami that threatened the West Coast.

Gary Ellingson noted that the former Ed Williams Consignment sale is this coming weekend with free admission in Sunnyside.

Dale has a wonderful idea for a new tour July 25th, 26th and 27th to Ritter Hot Springs in Oregon. There is a ghost town with an operating hotel and he would like for our club to tour there and spend some time in the hotel. This sounds like a wonderful summer tour.

Marlene gave Dean directions to mention a donation for the use of Riatta Springs Baptist Church for the room and supplies. Dale made a motion that our club donate $100 for this purpose. The motion was seconded and passed. Mike will send out $100 to the church.

Dean also mentioned that Marlene and Larry have cancelled the Cherry Blossom tour that was scheduled in April. We all are sorry to hear this.

Sign Up Sheet for Refreshments was mentioned and the following people signed up:

March - Wanda Stokes
April - Jane Armstrong
May - Phyllis Langdon
June & July No one signed up for June or July, Linda suggested that we have ice cream treats via the club. Everyone thought this was a great idea
August - Annual Picnic
September - Linda Porter
October - Mary Fraser
November - Sharon Peterson
December - Christmas Party

Phyllis Langdon gave a report on their return to Arizona and they got a new Motor Home for their tours. Glad to have you back safe and sound.

Dean asked the club members what they thought of the idea or reimbursing tour organizers $50 per tour to help defray costs. Dean said that the money would go back to the members who participate. For example, if 10 people attend a tour, then each of the 10 would receive $5 towards gas or food or whatever. Mike Porter mentioned that most clubs do give tour leaders money to defray costs for their own use. The members decided to "mull" this over and it will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Mike also read the "paid" members roster, and as of today, we have 20 members.

Dean asked if there were any "garage reports" and there were none at this time.

Dale Peterson was asked to give his report on his recent trip to Nicaragua. Dale helped the Misquitu people with their medical ailments and had quite the ordeal getting there and then dealing with the living conditions. It was a real eye opener as to how these people live with what they have to live with. Very, very interesting and everyone enjoyed listening to Dale. Thank you Dale for your input and glad you had a safe journey.
With nothing more to come before the members, the meeting was cancelled.

Respectively Submitted
Wanda Stokes, Secretary

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