
Three River's Model T Club
August 2010
Tonight's meeting was attended by a good number of members.  President, Marlene Coder opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  She also welcomed Dan Danko who we have not seen in awhile. 
The minutes from the last meeting were read by Secretary, Wanda Stokes.  There was one correction, Paul Dion is building a speedster, not buying one.  The minutes were accepted.
Treasurer, Mike Porter, gave his report.  We have money in the bank.  He passed around newsletters and brochures from other Model T clubs for members to look at.  Mike pointed out that the Ye Ole Car Club's newsletter had a picture of Langdon's Model T's lamp with a birdie nest in it.  Thank you Mike.
Old Business
Marlene asked for a report on the Majestic Mountain Model T Tour to Glacier National Park in Whitefish, Montana.  Several members who went gave their highlights of the tour.  Everyone agreed it was a wonderful tour with lots of interesting things to see and do.
New Business
Marlene asked Dale Peterson to give an update on the Seat of Your Pants tour to the San Juan Islands coming up quickly.  Dale and Sharon urged everyone going on the tour to bring warm clothing, coats and scarves and mittens or gloves.  Dale said that they will be touring many of the islands and everyone seems to enjoy seeing Model T's.  Dale urged all members to have a full tank of gas before starting up an 11% grade called Mt. Constitution.  It will be a fun challenge in a Model T.  Dale also reminded members to bring their Passports as part of the tour will be in Canada.
Phyllis Langdon asked if there was going to be a schedule of the ferries for everyone.  "Yes" there will be.
October - we have nothing planned for this month.
November - Marlene pointed out that elections are coming up.  If you would like to have a position with Three River's Model T Club, please do not hesitate to volunteer.
December will be the annual Christmas Party (12/12 @1:00 pm). Marlene pointed out that the Christmas gift exchange has not gone well for the past two years due to members not bringing gifts and taking one.  She asked for everyone to come up with a different activity to pursue instead of the gift exchange.
Dan Danko reported a tractor and engine show this coming weekend in Yakima.  The price is $5 per person with lots to see and do.
Dale Peterson asked about doing something with the Boy Scouts.  Larry and Marlene said that they will ask the Scout Master if they are still interested.
It was reported that Ernie Ferguson is doing much better.  We are all happy to learn this.
Wanda urged everyone to check out the Three River's Model T website.  (threeriver'   It has a wealth of information in it check it out.
Phyllis & Jim Langdon are scheduled for refreshments for September.
Birthdays for September are:  Ivan Dike 9/5, Linda Porter 9/8, John Lackey 9/18 and LaMar Barnes 9/24.  Happy Birthday to each of you.
Anniversaries for September are:  Russ & Jane Armstrong 9/11, Paul &Doris Burma 9/17, Gary & Sandy Ellington 9/30.  Happy Anniversary everyone.
With nothing more to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectively Submitted,  Wanda Stokes, Secretary


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